
Steps To Success

In this issue, I want you to focus on your goals and what you'd like to achieve in life. Big picture stuff. We'll get to the good parts soon, but it's important to set the scene -- to clearly see what you want -- before putting any work into it. First of all, think about this question.

What does the word "success" really mean to you? To me, it's being able to do what I love. I love writing. I got up at 5 a.m. to write this first lesson. I saw it all very clearly in my mind.

what I wanted to say and how I was going to say it. Do you recognize the feeling? To me, passion is valuable. And I'm a bit extreme: I spend huge portions of my time focusing on doing the things I love to do, whether or not I get paid for it. That's success for me. Think about it for a while. How do you value your time? Now, that's all fine, but the important thing is this: True success and freedom is about time, money, and fulfillment.

In my study of people who have a knack for success, I've noticed something. They make the best choice at the best time. And they appear in the right place at the right time.  How do they know how be in position to find success? They all use some essential success principles. Their use of these principles is almost automatic.

It is hard-wired into their nervous system. It is reflexive. It is an aspect of their subconscious programming. No doubt many principles create success: but these few were always present. Study and use them.

See what they do for you. 1. Ask the right question Thinking is asking and answering questions in your own mind. The quality of your thinking arises from the quality of your questions. If you want to be wealthy, do you ask--"why am I broke?" or do you ask--"how can be a millionaire in less than five years?" In the first question, you asked why.

And in the second question, you asked how. This automatically directed you to making the first question negative and the second question positive. When you ask why questions, you try to solve a problem.

When you ask how questions, you look for a solution. 2. Create a vision When you ask good questions, you create a vision. A vision is a leap of the imagination. Usually, you witness something that impresses you.

You ask if you can be that way, do that thing, and have what the other person has. This vision moves you into the future. It will get you up earlier in the morning. It will keep you working at your project longer and harder. And it will be the force that nudges you when an average person would have quit.

3.  Act with faith Once you have a vision, you have to act on it. This action, however, springs from belief.

There are two parts to belief. Do you believe that your vision is possible? Do you believe that you can do it? Belief is an act of faith. It is choosing to do what you have never done before. And while a vision is a leap of the imagination, belief is a stretch of emotion.

Can you feel inspired in the absence of evidence? Can you believe in the evidence of something that will be? 4.  Find allies If you can see it and if you can believe it, you can have it. To see it and believe it is to set it into motion.

It is to invite a new possibility for yourself. Now, your next step, is to find allies. Success is a cooperative effort. It rarely happens in isolation. True, you can create something all alone, but it really takes on meaning when it enriches the lives of others.

Since life is hard, most people are negative. They have been hurt or disappointed. Their point of view is oppositional. They seek control, approval, and comfort. And they shun risk, novelty, and discomfort.

Thus, finding good allies is not easy. However, they do exist. There are people who have crossed the line between making a living and designing a life. Choose these people as your allies. 5.  Take massive action The next and most obvious thing to do is to take action.

This requires a commitment to action. A commitment means that you will do it regularly. It also means that you will not quit at the first sign of opposition.

It is an act of deciding to persist before persistence becomes necessary. It also means that you will continually adapt your strategy until you overcome the limitations of knowledge and resources with which you will initially start out. 6.  Focus on what you love With all this in place, passion will come easily. You will actually start to have fun.

Your life will become a big adventure. Your emotions will press you forward even when your mind and body have fatigued. Over time, you will do what today seems almost impossible. You will stun and amaze yourself and others. You will find yourself in a new and strange land, where you are the master craftsman and the creator of a beautiful reality. When you ask the right question, create a vision, act with faith, find allies, take massive action, and focus on what you love, you'll begin the process of taking the right steps to achieving your dream lifestyle.

Wouldn't it be amazing to walk into a life you love?.

Saleem Rana would love to share his inspiring ideas His book Never Ever Give Up tells you how. It is offered at no cost as a way to help YOU succeed. The Empowered Soul


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