
The Most Common Goof In Personal Development Is Trying To Get Rid Of Your Ego Part

A continuation of Part 1 of the goof in trying to get rid of our ego. What 'Getting Rid of the Ego' is Confused With Getting rid of our Ego is usually confused with bringing our Ego back into balance to be expressed as the Pure Ego. Our Pure Ego is the ego that lives as our childlike innocence and wonder of unconditionally discovering the world that we live in.

Take for example, what happened when we learned how to walk. We were in our Pure Ego when we learned how to walk. When we realized that walking was a better way to discover the world around us, we began our own mission - to learn how to walk. So we crawled and stumbled and took tentative steps and fell, and got back up again, and fell again, and did it over and over until we had it down. Each time we developed a deeper understanding of how we needed to shift our weight, or where we needed to put our foot, all through trial and error, but each time we saw the improvement and each time we added something new to our movement that improved our balance and stability. We didn't focus on what we did that didn't work, we focused on what we did do that WORKED.

We could not have learned how to walk if we were in our Altered Ego. Our Altered Ego is the ego that comes from fear and judgment as opposed to love. It is when our Ego has become out of balance with Self and sees life conditionally. What would learning how to walk be like if we were in our Altered Ego? Most of us would probably still be sitting and crawling. We would first have gone through a lot of processing about taking action to learn how to walk or not.Would it be safe? What would my family think? What if I fall down? Then we would finally take our first tentative steps, wobble and then fall down.

After thoroughly chastising ourselves for falling and believing we are not good enough to walk, or not being sure if we should even attempt it. But we don't want to give up too soon because we really do want to learn how to walk. So we would read several self-help manuals telling us that we are good enough to walk and we can do it, and we're the little engine that could.

Those of us that gathered our courage again, would make another attempt, and fall again would go through another round of "what is wrong with us and why can't we get this walking thing right?" Our self-criticism would be extremely high, and our belief in ourselves would plummet. We would begin to fall into the illusion that we just can't walk and will never be able to, and perhaps we just weren't meant to walk and who do we think we are even thinking that we have the right to walk in the first place? We are so focused on judging ourselves that we don't even realize all of the things that we did that allowed us to stand for 5 or 10 seconds. Instead, we focused on all of the things that caused us to fall down. If we have enough desire, and our will hasn't been thoroughly crushed by now, we may go through another round of self-help books and therapy to build up our confidence level. For those of us who stay focused on the end goal, we finally manage to walk.

For those of us who keep ourselves mired in the mindset of what we did wrong and continue to judge ourselves as not deserving to be able to walk, we never get up off of the floor, and we keep ourselves in the illusion that walking isn't what we were meant to do. Why Understanding The Pure Ego and Altered Ego Is Important For Our Personal Development The difference between learning how to walk on our Altered Ego vs our Pure Ego is that when we were learning to walk while being in our Pure Ego, we focused on what we wanted (the ability to walk), and stayed in the joy of the process (what we did right, focusing on the progress we were making and having fun while learning). We still used our Pure Ego, because that is the part of us that gave us the drive and the yearning to learn how to walk. That is the part of us that gave us the passion to persist until we were done, and that is the part of us that allowed us to experience joy while we were going through our experience.

Consider this. How many toddlers have you seen screaming in terror, anger, fright, etc. while learning how to walk? Not many right? Most of the time they have HUGE grins on their faces that say "Look what I'm doing!" These little tykes can hardly contain themselves! When we were learning how to walk while being in our Altered Ego, we weren't having much fun. We were making it difficult for ourselves by over-analyzing everything we were doing and judging the crap out of ourselves for not getting something "perfect" in the first attempt.

For those of us that managed to get up off of the ground, we certainly extended the process, and we certainly were not enjoying the experience. We lost focus of what we wanted, which was learning how to walk, because we were so focused on what we were doing wrong and making ourselves "lesser" because we fell down a couple of times. We can choose to be in the frame of mind of saying "well that way certainly didn't work, but there are all these other ways to experience." Or we can be in the frame of mind that says "Boy do I suck! I can't do this! I can't do ANYTHING!" Being in our Altered Ego completely got in our way of achieving what we wanted. learning how to walk.

We do require an Ego to be in the joy of living in this world, however it is OUR choice as to HOW we want to live in this world. We can use the Ego to support what we want in our lives, or to hinder what we want in our lives. We can learn how to incorporate the Ego into our lives through material such as The Choice Is Mine which teaches us how to be unconditional with ourselves so we can experience abundance and ease in our lives more quickly. This lifetime companion allows us to move at our own pace while we are living our day to day lives.

Do you struggle with creating the life of your dreams? Frustrated that the "Law of Attraction" doesn't work for you, but seems to work for everyone else? You don't have to continue to struggle and feel left behind, because the answer is simple once you have this powerful understanding. Take action now to have a life of ease and abundance. Access the radio show podcast at: Personal Development Tips


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